Playing with Little Kid Toys

bam_lego-santa_squareDo you remember how much fun it was when you were a big kid and had the opportunity to play with the little kid toys you used to love?

With a young one in the house, we’ve dug out our Duplo Lego and both of Darren’s boys are thrilled to build and create.

In honor of the season, Bryan designed and created a Duplo Christmas tree and Santa face. Here Darren models the finished face while Bryan pretends to be excited sitting on Santa’s lap. Such fun!

Sheep Painting Fun!

Need gifts for the artists in your life? Available in our SheepStation Zazzle Store, Bethany’s Sheep Painting Fun design features a cute little white sheep surrounded by paint cans and holding a messy paintbrush.

The boy sheep design has blue and orange paint while the girl sheep design has a bright pink hair bow and purple with yellow paint.

See all products available with this Sheep Painting Fun design>>

Arrr! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Arrr, mateys! Did ya know it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day today? Aye, ’tis and we be eager ta join the fun! Ah, we’re not experts at “pirate-speak” yet but it is quite funny to try! This made-up holiday began in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers and quickly became an international sensation.

“Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!”


Ready for more Talk Like a Pirate Day fun? Try these sites:

And we found some cute and funny pirate art over at Zazzle. This is just a small sampling!